Donatien is a singer and even considered by some to be one of the greatest to ever perform. Castrated before puberty, he is one of the many known as castrati that have somewhat recently taken over opera stages across the continent. Despite his successful career at a young age, Donatien has reservations about being in the center of the public's attention. Perhaps it is the weariness he feels on stage that fuels his interest when he receives an offer from the mysterious Shay de Mertueil to come with him overseas to perform privately for him. Nearly as soon as this offer is made, Donatien is surrounded by whispered rumors about Monsieur de Merteuil's strange and unsavory behaviors. Having learned to not take much stock in the aristocracy's gossip, and considering the very generous salary he is to be paid, Donatien accepts the offer and readies himself to travel overseas for the first time in his life.

Once he lands on the shores of Empennia, his new position seems too good to be true. He is making more money than he ever did performing operas and gets to live in a massive and luxurious chateau. His new employer, Shay, seems to rarely call on him, giving him plenty of free time to explore the chateau and the sprawling gardens. Having spent his entire life up to this point studying or performing, Donatien hardly knows what to do in such a relaxed environment. As the days pass, he finds himself growing more curious about the reclusive Shay. Shay begins calling on Donatien more often, which eventually leads to the two of them engaging in more casual conversations. They grow closer and Donatien is shocked when Shay confesses his attraction. Any remaining doubts Donatien had about Shay melt away as he proves himself to Donatien to be a doting lover as well as being exceptionally patient with Donatien's inexperience. Feeling as if he were whisked away to live in a fairy tale, the warnings Donatien had initially received about Shay are the furthest thing from his mind...

Donatien is gentle-natured and humble, standing in great contrast to his peers, who generally have a reputation of being frustrating divas. His pleasant nature has won over many people, including those who otherwise detest the castrati. However, having been in intense training in music school from the age of 8, he lacks many real-world experiences and is a bit naive and too trusting of others. While he receives plenty of attention from women (and his fair share of men) he is hesitant and has never pursued anyone in romance.


It's important to me that my depiction of a castrato is realistic but also respectful. I really want to do my own writeup on castrati eventually but if you're interested in learning more I can recommend these books:

But please, I'm begging you, whatever you do, do NOT watch the movie Farnelli (1994). It's truly horrible. Thanks.